The California Victim Compensation Board (CalVCB) can help.
We can help pay bills and expenses that result from crime. Crime survivors who have been injured or have been threatened with injury may be eligible.
Apply for Compensation
Service Provider Access
CalVCB hosted an informational webinar for advocates regarding the Advocate Portal on January 29. A recording of the webinar can be found on our YouTube page
This guide will walk you through the steps to create an Advocate Portal User Account. The detailed user guide that includes information about the advocate portal features is now available under the Forms Page of the portal and is available after logging in.
CalVCB Customer Service 1-800-777-9229 (Phone Number) 1-866-902-8669 (Fax)
For victim assistance in your area, find a local Victim Advocate
CalVCB is a state program dedicated to providing reimbursement for many crime-related expenses to eligible victims who suffer physical injury or the threat of physical injury as a direct result of a violent crime. Covered crimes include, but are not limited to: assault, child abuse, homicide, sexual assault, stalking and other crimes. For more information, visit
Pursuant to section 502 California Penal Code and Public Law 99-474, title 18, United States Code, tampering, interfering, damage, and unauthorized access to information will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.